April 19, 2024

Friday Reads 4/19/2024

Friday Reads 4/19/2024

Friday. I don't have a lot on my plate today at work, but when I get to the end of it it's Nerd Night! My friend and I eat out and then hit up Barnes and Noble. This is now a monthly event. Neither one of us is particularly social, so we both appreciate this opportunity to interact with another intelligent human. We also don't feel obliged to follow each other around the bookstore. We go to our favorite spots and then we meet back up to compare notes and check out. A perfect night for an introverted book nerd. Anyway, I have that to look forward to.

I'm afraid there are no surprises in my reading this week. Well maybe a little one.

Everyone On This Train Is a Suspect by Benjamin Stevenson - A few weeks ago, you may remember, I was complaining about how I'm not getting very far in this book because I was listening to it. I requested the paper copy from the library, but I was like 34th on the list. One day I realized, I should check my NetGalley library. I probably requested the ARC of this. Sure enough. So I am now 83% through this one. I should be able to wrap it up soon.

Empire of the Damned by Jay Kristoff - And of course this behemoth is still here. It is truly fascinating, but the pages are paper thin and the margins are similarly sized. Still I'm 35% through it. I am beginning to fear I won't manage to finish it by the end of April.

I still have 2 books from my TBR to read. I need to read a book with a circle on the cover for the Magical Readathon. The book from my 10 oldest books on my TBR is Brain on Fire which I also need to read. 10 days. I have 10 days. Yikes!