Bookmark My Heart

She's got the books that kill.

Oct 11, 2024

Friday Reads 10/11/2024

A Dark and Drowning Tide by Allison Saft - I really need to get busy and finish this one. It is due back at the library on Wednesday and I'm only

Oct 4, 2024

Friday Reads 10/4/2024

Friday once again! Let's talk books. The Luminaries by Eleanor Catton - This is the last book on my 10 Oldest Books on My TBR list. It has 850 pages, so

Oct 3, 2024

Goals Update

As we head into the last quarter of 2024, I feel like I should do an evaluation of my goals and where I stand with them. I started out with 4 big reading

Oct 2, 2024

September Wrap Up Pt. 2

Since my last update, I read 3 more books in September. Well, one of them I mostly skimmed, but I'm counting it because I read most of it. Cruel as the

Sep 28, 2024

October TBR

Here we are. The long awaited October TBR. I am pretty conflicted about what to put on this list, so I'll start with the obvious ones. Jean Harlow and the Legend

Sep 27, 2024

Friday Reads 9/27/2024

It's Friday! What are we going to do today, Brain? Same thing we do every day Pinky. Talk about books! If you are not familiar with Pinky and the Brain, that

Sep 26, 2024

September Goodreads Update

I got behind on my posting this week. Tuesday was especially chaotic. So you get two posts today. It's find because I actually only added one book to my Goodreads TBR

Sep 26, 2024

September Library Update

A few things have actually changed since last month! Let's review. Checked Out Any Person Is the Only Self by Elisa Gabbert - I am halfway through this one, but it&

Sep 25, 2024

Fall TBR

Ok, let me just admit right up front that this is an imaginary TBR. I have far too many books to read for various challenges to read for the season. We'll

Sep 20, 2024

Friday Reads 9/20/2024

I hear it's Friday. Time for Friday Reads. I'm really sleepy today, so I'm kind of flaky. We had a thunderstorm right when I needed to take

Sep 14, 2024

September Mid-Month Update

How the hell is it halfway through September? That's bananas. Since it is the midpoint of the month, I'll wrap up the books I've read so far

Sep 13, 2024

Friday Reads 9/13/2024

It's Friday the 13th! This is basically the extent of my celebrating, but I like to acknowledge it. Also, I feel like we are in spooky season now (regardless of what