May 2, 2015

Friday Reads 5/1/15

Well, it's May. And we haven't had any rain for 3 whole days, around these parts. Before that it rained at least once every 3 days for about 8 weeks. So things are mighty green. And people are mighty sneezy.

Anyway, I might read something this weekend. Maybe.


Dawn by Octavia Butler - I need to get started on this this weekend, since book club is two weeks away and it will probably take me the whole two weeks to get it read, the way I've been going recently.


Bookmarked by Wendy Fairey - I'll most likely get a little bit of this done this weekend. I've been reading it at night before bed. I really like it so far. It's kind of a memoir and literary criticism all rolled into one.

Then I guess I'll stare at my bookshelves a while and hope something jumps out at me, screaming "Read Me!!"


What's on your pile this weekend?