March 5, 2024

Things I've Googled

Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic is Things I've Googled Thanks to Books. This is pretty prescient considering what I've read lately. I'll start with my most recent reads and go back. I don't think it will take long to get to ten, if I can remember them all.

From Wolf Hall

Picture of Jane Seymour

Picture of Henry VIII

Picture of Francis I

Picture of Anne Boleyn

Oliver Cromwell

Thomas Cromwell

From Midnight In Siberia

Definition of boundaries of Siberia

Ural Mountans

nerpa (you should look this up. Trust me.)

Lake Baikal

Look there are 10 just from the book I'm reading now and the last nonfiction book I read. There were a few books in between that didn't require googling.

Sometimes I am too lazy to look something up, but normally I don't mind stopping my reading to google something if it will enhance my understanding of what I'm reading.

What about you? Do you google while reading?