Friday Reads - July 11

So here we are again. Friday. Here's what I'm reading this weekend.

How Literature Works by John Sutherland

I know this was on my list last Friday, but it's pretty slow going. It's not large, but it is dense. It's subtitle is "50 Key Concepts", so basically it details major concepts in literary analysis at 4 pages each. Mostly, it helps me get to sleep at night.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling

I started reading this a couple of months ago, but I'm going to make a serious attempt to finish it this weekend. I'm halfway done now, but that still leaves 365 pages because it's a chunker.

The View From Penthouse B by Elinor Lipman

This is the book club book for this month. That meeting is in a week, so I'm slowly working on this one. When the meeting is only a few days away, I'll do a mad, frantic, reading marathon.

I don't expect to get much reading done this weekend. I have to work all day tomorrow. Sunday, I work 4 hours, then I'm going to a concert.