Bout of Books 11.0 Goals

Bout of Books 11.0 starts Monday. I need to think about my goals for this read-a-thon. I've never done this before, but I'm really looking forward to spending a whole week focusing on reading!


So I said in my earlier post that I want to aim for 4 books read during the read-a-thon. I still think that's a realistic goal.


Now, which books? Well, I have a book club meeting on the Friday of the read-a-thon, so I guess I'll be reading West With the Night by Beryl Markham.

I have Thank You For Not Reading by Dubravka Ugresic from the library so I'll give that a go.

I think for the other two books, I'll just pick up whatever I feel like. Or whatever has come in from the library. Yeah.

When I'll Read

I have a few appointments in the mornings next week, so I won't set a goal to read in the mornings, but I can probably get in a couple of hours in the afternoons. Well, not Tuesday. I work every weekend, so there won't be a lot of reading happening then. I'll have to get most of my reading done before then.

I'm looking forward to my first Bout Of Books. Watch here for updates on my progress!