August Wrap Up

Oh my goodness, I don't even remember what was on my TBR for this month! Let's see how many I actually read, shall we?

  1. American Heiress by Daisy Goodwin - I actually finished this in August! Yay me!

  2. Mistborn: The Final Empire - Brandon Sanderson - I'm still working on this one.

  3. The Round House by Louise Erdrich - Got it! This was the library book club book for August.

  4. Songs of Willow Frost by Jamie Ford - Nope. Didn't even look at it.

  5. The Jane Austen Illustrated Treasury by Rebecca Dickson - Yes! I read this this week. It's a very cute little biography of Jane Austen and minor critiques of her works. It includes little envelopes of goodies.

  6. West With the Night by Beryl Markham - Book club book for August. Not a hit.

  7. The Golem and the Jinni by Helene Wecker - I'm reading this right now, but I don't know if it will get finished in August. It's the library book club book for September.

  8. Opening Doors - This is a college textbook about reading comprehension. Not what I had hoped, so I gave up on it.

  9. Buried in Books by Julie Rugg - I got another one! I forgot about this one. It's basically just a book of quotes about books and reading.

  10. Women Who Love Books Too Much by Brenda Knight - I got this. I looked at it. It took more brain than I have right now. I sent it back.

There were a few more maybe books on my list that I didn't even get to. I'm not going to count them because they were only half-serious.

So that's 5 and a half books from my TBR list. Let's see what else I read this month.

  1. Top Secret Twenty-One by Janet Evanovich - The latest in the Stephanie Plum series. Brain candy.

  2. To Marry and English Lord by Gail McColl - Super interesting and has lots of pictures.

  3. Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor - I listened to this on CD. A very well-done YA fantasy.

So that's a total of 8ish books for the month of August. I was sure there were more!

What did you read in August?