Friday Reads 9/19/14

It's Friday again! It seems like this happens every week!

So here's what I'm reading.

I'm still reading 1Q84 by Haruki Murakami with the group on Goodreads. I really like it. It's told from two points of view and I am currently guessing how the two plot lines are going to meet up.

The Secret Diary of Lizzie Bennet by Bernie Su and Kate Rorick. This started out as a web show. It's really cute. I've only read about 15 pages, but so far it's very entertaining. Lizzie is a graduate student. For a class project, she decides to start a vlog about her life and the disparity between what her parents want for her life (marriage to a rich man), and what she sees as her goals (graduate degree and a job, making her own way in the world).

Fall For You by Cecilia Gray. This is a young adult novel and the subtitle is The Jane Austen Academy Series. This should be interesting. At least it is short. It's only 214 pages.

That's what's ahead of me right now. What are you reading?