Friday Reads 9/26/14

Here we are again. And I'm still reading 1Q84. But I'm halfway through! More than halfway through, actually. Two more weeks and we're done. It's really good, though. I finished this week's segment on Wednesday.

I'm also reading a bunch of other things that I have picked up.

State of Wonder by Ann Patchett is the library book club book for October. The meeting isn't until October 7, so I'm not trying very hard on this one. It's kind of hard to read. There are some parts that make me suck in my breath because they're pretty cringe worthy. Think highly botched Caesarian section.

Shades of Grey by Jasper Fforde. I don't know how long I'm going to keep reading this one. It seems just a little too cutely intelligent. It's about a future society that is divided based on what colors people can see. Our main character is basically a middle class Red. The upper class is Blue, I think. Grey is the lowest class. There are lots of cutesy little word jokes about color. It's just a bit twee, so we'll see if I find something better.

Thereby Hangs a Tail by Spencer Quinn. This is the second Chet and Bernie mystery. I love this series. It is told from the perspective of the dog. Chet is hilarious and he sounds just like you think a dog would sound. He and Bernie are hired to bodyguard for a dog show contestant.

The Magicians by Lev Grossman. I just finished the last book in this trilogy and I just had to re-read the first one. I'm dreaming of owning the boxed set one day so I can re-read without having to wait for the library request system.

What's on your book stack this week?