Friday Reads 10/10/14

Here we are again! Time to share what I'm reading right now.

Guess what isn't on this list? 1Q84! I finished it the other day! It took over 5 weeks, but it was a great book. Review to come.

So what AM I reading?

Sea Creatures by Susanna Daniel - This is the book club book for next Friday. I don't know a thing about it.

The Cuckoo's Calling by Robert Galbraith - J.K. Rowling - Cormoran strike is a disabled war veteran slash private detective hired by a lawyer to investigate the death of his sister, a famous model, who the police have deemed a suicide.

After that I'm going to go back to:

The Magicians by Lev Grossman - I read about 30 pages of this and then got distracted by required reading. Can't wait to fall back into it.

What are you reading?