Friday Reads 10/31/14

So I already typed this once, and lost it on the publish stage. This is happening a lot. Gr.

So on the second try, here's what I'm reading this week. I hope.

Songs for the Deaf by John Henry Fleming - This is the book club book. It's a pretty good collection of stories.

The Republic of Imagination by Azar Nafisi - New book by the woman who wrote Reading Lolita in Tehran!!! I started the intro today at lunch. I'm super excited.

Moranthology by Caitlin Moran - A collection of essays that are super entertaining. I read a few at a time.

The Undertaking of Lily Chen by Danica Novgorodoff - This is a graphic novel which I like because they don't take long to read so they boost my book number which I totally don't care about at all. (I'm lying).

What are you reading?