Friday Reads 12/5/14

Woot! Friday (or maybe Saturday when this gets posted).

What am I reading this weekend, you ask? Well....

Habits of the House by Fay Weldon - This is for book club Tuesday night, so I will finish it soon. I'm enjoying it more than I expected. I thought it was going to be more romance-y and taking itself very seriously. It's much funnier than I expected.

Okay these next two have a fun story attached to them. My library has been closed for remodeling, but we're opening on Monday. In order to reward our poor, faithful, customers who have been waiting with bated breath for us to open our doors, the library decided to make sure we had some new/popular books available for them to check out immediately. I took a couple to preview that I was already on hold for. I was pretty excited to see them. It was my lucky day!

Texts from Jane Eyre by Mallory Ortberg - This is hilarious. It imagines texts in current day parlance as they may have been texted by fictional characters. The Jane Eyre one was great. Mister Rochester texts in all caps all the time and calls her pocket witch.

Bad Feminist by Roxanne Gay - This is a collection of personal essays and I have read the first couple. I really relate to her and I like her voice. She is a woman of color in academia. She's smart and witty and ironic. I dig it.

That about does it for me this weekend. What have you got going on?