Friday Reads 3/13/15

It's finally Friday!!!

It's raining here and it might rain for a couple of days. Perfect reading weather.

Here's what's on the list:

Burial Rites by Hannah Kent - This is my book club book for March and since that meeting is next Friday, it's time to get it read. It takes place in 1800's Iceland and tells the story of Agnes, the last person executed for murder in that country.

The Book Lover's Companion by Lionel Shriver (foreward). The subtitle for this is What to Read Next, so even thought I have no idea what it's about, I had to find it.

Yaqui Delgado Wants to Kick Your Ass by Meg Medina - This is the next book in my project to read as many of the Sequoyah Book Award finalists as I can. This is told from the perspective of a Latina girl who had to change to a rougher high school and hears that Yaqui Delgado wants to kick her ass. She has no idea who this is, but the rumor mill is churning with stories about Yaqui's viciousness.

What's on your weekend reading list?