March 2015 Wrap Up

I feel like I may have read a bunch of things in March, but let's see what the numbers say.

First, let's review what I had planned to read.

  1. Nemesis by Philip Roth - Done. That was a pretty good one.

  2. Burial Rites by Hannah Kent - Done. What a great book!

  3. Yaqui Delgado Wants to Kick Your Ass by Meg Medina - Done. I enjoyed this book about bullying.

  4. Innocent Victimes by Minette Walters - Nope. I returned this to the library unread. Just no room.

  5. The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo - This was an unintentionally hilarious book about organizing.

  6. Living Well, Spending Less by Ruth Soukup - Nope. I looked through it, but I didn't see much of interest so I returned it.

So 4 out of 6. Not bad. I have no regrets about the ones I didn't get to.

So on to the others I read.

Ms. Marvel Vol. 1 by Willow Wilson - A new kind of superhero. The main character is a young Indian girl who struggles with her newfound powers as well as her typical American teenager troubles.

The Nazi Hunters by Neal Bascomb - A young adult non-fiction book about how the Israeli state hunted down and captured Adolf Eichmann decades after the end of World War II.[

The Book Lovers Companion Foreward by Lionel Shriver - Mostly this was a book for book groups about books that would make good discussion topics. I always like a book about books, though.

Citizen: An American Lyric by Claudia Rankine - A book of poems about being black in America.

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen - This isn't the edition that I read, but I can only find a picture of Oxford Illustrated Classics edition in the boxed set. I read this while I was sick, and it was lovely. Of course.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling - Maybe my favorite one so far. I'll probably give it a minute before I start the next one, though. Get a breather before the run-up to the Final Battle.

What is that? 10 Books? Not too shabby at all considering that my goal for the whole year is 50. I'll take it.