Top Ten Tuesday 4/21/15

The Broke and the Bookish hosts Top Ten Tuesday. Today's topic is Top Ten All Time Favorite Authors.

  1. Jane Austen - This is a no-brainer. She is my absolute favorite author ever. Period.

  2. Charlotte Bronte - Jane Eyre was my favorite book from when I was ten years old to when I discovered Pride and Prejudice at age 20. I read her other, more obscure works, too. That's how dedicated I was. I'm feeling the need to reread some of those other books, now. Just to see what I missed as a teenager.

  3. Donna Leon - I love her Brunetti Mysteries. Venice is depicted so beautifully, it's like a character in the book.

  4. Christopher Moore - His worldview is so twisted, I laugh out loud during every book. My favorites are probably the Bloodsucking Fiends books because Abby Normal is awesome!

  5. Carlos Ruiz Zafon - All his books are translated from the Spanish, and they are beautiful. The Cemetery of the Forgotten series takes place in Barcelona in varying points in time.

  6. Lev Grossman - Because I love the Magicians series. Love!

  7. Anne Rice - I don't always care for her plot lines, butt I love the language. Some would call it overly flowery, but I like it.

  8. Nancy Pearl - She writes books about books which is my book kryptonite.

  9. Janet Evanovich - I realize this is not great literature, but I just really enjoy reading the Stephanie Plum series.

  10. Lilian Jackson Braun - The Cat Who books are comfort reading for me. That's all.

I'm sure I've forgotten someone important, but today - this is what I got.

Who's on your top ten list?