Top Five Wednesday 4/22/15

Top Five Wednesday is a Goodreads group. Today's topic is Books That Feature Traveling. So here are my top 5 books that feature traveling.

  1. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen - Traveling happens a lot in this book. Jane goes to London. Elizabeth goes to Kent. Kitty and Lydia come to meet Elizabeth and Jane on their way home and complain about the carriage being cramped. Traveling is even a topic of discussion between Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy when they discuss the relative perception of 50 miles. Is it far or not so much?

  2. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte - It seems like Jane is forever being carted around in a carriage. She goes to Lowood, she goes to Thornfield, she goes back to her aunt's house, and back to Thornfield. And this doesn't even include the wandering around on the moors she does when she is AWOL.

  3. Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel - One of the main characters in this book is an actress in a traveling Shakespeare group. So, yeah. Traveling. It's post-apocalyptic Canada, so they do their traveling on foot, but they definitely get around.

  4. All Roads Lead to Austen by Amy Elizabeth Smith - This is the one about the professor who traveled around South America doing Jane Austen book club meetings in several countries to see how the books translate to other languages and cultures.

  5. A Tale for the Time Being by Ruth Ozeki - There are several bits where Nao is traveling to her grandmother's house in the mountains and it is quite a trek. A scary bus ride and then a hike up thru the forest up the mountains. Then, she does it again alone and feels very brave.

So there are my top five books that include traveling. You got any?