April 2015 Wrap-Up

I haven't been reading much in the last week or so, but let's see how I did overall in April, shall we?

There were 7 books on my April TBR. Let's review.

  1. Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel - Done! I actually really liked this one in the end. It was beautifully written, but I couldn't figure out how all the story lines tied together. Then it suddenly made sense. Very well done.

  2. As You Wish by Cary Elwes - Done! I really liked this fun, happy, sweet story about the filming of The Princess Bride.

  3. The First Wife by Erica Spindler - Done! Book club book, but I thought it wasn't very well written. I was shocked that it wasn't a debut novel. Definitely not my thing.

  4. Nine Horses by Billy Collins - Done! I really liked this collection of everyday poems.

  5. Emma by Alexander McCall Smith - Done! The second half was much more entertaining than the first half.

  6. The Distant Hours by Kate Morton - Nope. Just didn't get to it.

  7. For Darkness Shows the Stars - Nope. I finally decided I just didn't care. I took it back to the library unread.

So 5 of 7 from my TBR. Let's see what else I read, if anything.

According Goodreads, I only read one other book: Sh*t Rough Drafts by Paul Laudiero. This was a humor book that imagines the first drafts of famous books with messages from editors, etc. It was entertaining.

So, that's 6 whole books for this month. It doesn't seem like much, but then I remind myself that I could not read another book until August and still be on schedule to reach my Goodreads goal. So there's that.

How'd you do in April?