Top Ten Tuesday 5/19/15

So today's Top Ten Tuesday topic is "Your Choice". So I'll do the top ten books on my Goodreads TBR.

  1. The Distant Hours by Kate Morton - This has been on my list for over 2 years. I haven't been very focused on my TBR, to be honest.

  2. The Interestings by Meg Wolitzer - I have an Advanced Reader Copy of this book that was published 2 years ago. It follows a group of precocious kids at a camp through to adulthood.

  3. The Bookseller of Kabul by Asne Seierstad - This is non-fiction about a guy who defies the authorities to sell books in Kabul.

  4. Songs of Willow Frost by Jamie Ford - He wrote Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet, which I enjoyed.

  5. Night Film by Marisha Pessl - I want to read this, but I don't want it to be over. I have it on my bookshelf, but it's still in it's Amazon box. I haven't even unboxed it, yet. I have no excuse.

  6. Freud's Mistress by Karen Mack - Because that Psychology degree requires that I read things with Freud's name in the title.

  7. Wave by Sonali Deraniyagala - This is book about the author's experience with a tsunami in Asia that took her husband and sons.

  8. Maya's Notebook by Isabel Allende - I have heard mixed things about this book, but I have it, so I might as well read it.

  9. Men We Reaped by Jesmyn Ward - This is about the large number of young black men in the author's life who have been killed in various ways.

  10. The White Queen by Philippa Gregory - Again, mixed reviews, but I thought I'd give it a try. We'll see.

So that's my top ten Goodreads TBR.