Friday Reads 6/12/15

Last weekend I really read up a storm! I actually finished 3 books! I don't know what kind of weekend I'll have this week, but I'm feeling ambitious.

Language Arts by Stephanie Kallos - I'm actually almost halfway through this one. It is about a middle aged guy hiding from the fact that his daughter has gone away to college and his severely handicapped son doesn't really like him and his ex-wife is an ex and he's in their house all alone.

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot - Still working on this one. It's so good, but it's so difficult to read about the horrible life these folks have had to lead.

Falling in Love by Donna Leon - This is the newest installment in the Guido Brunetti series, so of course I'll be reading this one soon.

What's on your reading list this week?