24 in 48 Wrap-up

Well, I didn't read the whole 24 hours, but I did read for almost 15 hours, so I feel accomplished. Let's review, shall we?

I started at 1:00 am on Saturday morning. I read for about half an hour before sleep. I worked on Dead White Guys.

On Saturday morning I accidentally slept in until 10:30, which felt really great, but I got a late start on my chores. I read Dead White Guys for about another half hour before heading to the grocery store.

Saturday afternoon, I finished Dead White Guys and started Hollow City by Ransom Riggs. I stopped to make dinner and my husband went to bed early, so I snuggled in with my books and dogs and kept on reading. I finished Hollow City about 11:30 and picked up Walking Jane Austen's London by Louise Allen. It's only 112 pages and has lots of pictures so I finished that about 1:20. I read for about another 39 minutes out of Storm Front by Jim Butcher.

Saturday night, my sweet but quite large dog decided he was going to sleep in my spot. He left me about 6 inches on the edge of the bed for my legs. I squeezed in thinking he would get up and leave in a little bit. He didn't. I fought with him for four hours. I finally got up and made him get off the bed. I slept fitfully for about 3 more hours, and finally got up. I fought a headache for half the day because of the sleeping situation so I was concerned about being able to read.

Sunday morning I took my time getting around to reading. I made breakfast rolls and watched booktube videos. I couldn't decide what to read next. I had started Storm Front the night before, but because it's on my Kindle, I couldn't keep track of how many pages I'd read. I'd already read it before, so I dropped that one. I finally decided on West of Sunset by Stewart O'Nan. This is the story of F. Scott Fitzgerald after he moved to Hollywood to write for the movies in 1937. I read about 50 pages of this one in between naps, but I ultimately decided to put it down because I already know how the story goes.

Sunday evening, I picked up A Book to Love edited by Jennifer Byrne. This is a collection of essays by guests on the First Tuesday Book Club in Australia. They are talking about their favorite books. How have I got hold of all these Australian books about books, recently? Hmmm.

Last thing, I picked up Lexicon by Max Barry. I started this at 9:30 as I went to bed. I read until midnight. Holy cow! This book is good. I read about 100 pages before I forced myself to put it down and go to sleep.

I checked in at midnight with the 24 in 48 readathon blog and found out that I won a stack of books! The readathon host had giveaways throughout the weekend and I actually won one! I'm so excited. It's a stack of 5 non-fiction books. 3 of which were already on my To-Read shelf on Goodreads. Woot!!

Considering that the last readathon I did, I only read 3 hours or so, I feel like this was definitely an improvement. I'm going to call it a win! I wasn't sure I would even get to 12 hours, but I did. Yay!

Looking forward to the next one!