Hello. Remember me? I used to blog here. I used to read books. Then I got addicted to planner videos on YouTube. I'm starting to get well, though. It's kind of like when I got addicted to BookTube videos. I watched them obsessively for a couple of weeks, then I slowed down and got back to reading again.

I've read about 150 pages of my library book club book this week, so that's something. Anyway, here's my Friday reads for this weekend. It's a busy weekend, so I don't hold out much hope for getting a lot done. I have a lock-in with my dancers on Friday night. And a party on Saturday night to celebrate the end of the Summer Reading Program.

The Light Between Oceans by M.L. Stedman - The library book club meeting is Tuesday evening so I've got to get this wrapped up. The writing has spots of genius, so it's not a real hardship.

Most Likely to Succeed by Tony Wagner - Got to get this read and reviewed by August 18.

What are you reading this weekend?