Autobuy Authors

Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic is Autobuy Authors. The top ten authors that you will buy their book when it releases without seeing a review or a synopsis.

Now, I don't generally run out and buy books on release. But I have ordered a couple of books before they came out this year. One of them was Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee. Anyway, I may be including books that I get on the library list ASAP.

  1. Andrew Knapp - He does the Find Momo books. I love finding Momo. It's like Where's Waldo, but you get to look for a cute dog.

  2. Donna Leon - I just love the Guido Brunetti series. Enough said.

  3. J.K. Rowling - Apparently. I have loved all her adult novels.

  4. Lev Grossman - After the Magicians series, I'm down with whatever he's throwing out there.

  5. Darynda Jones - The Charlie Davidson series is usually really good, even if the last one was phoned in.

  6. Sara Gran - I like the Claire Dewitt series, even if it's pretty gritty.

  7. Erin Morgenstern - The Night Circus was so fabulous, I can't wait to see what's next.

  8. Ransom Riggs - The Miss Peregrine's series is so unique and quirky, I totally dig it.

  9. Nancy Pearl - Duh.

  10. Paula McLain - I like her retelling of the lives of famous women.

So what authors do you check out as soon as a new book appears?