Friday Reads 8/21/15

The days just fly by, and now it's Friday again. Here's what's on my plate this weekend.

Katrina: After the Flood by Gary Rivlin - Still. I've read a little of this on my lunch breaks, but it's hard to sit down and get through a big chunk of it. It's pretty big. Almost 500 pages. And it's not a particularly easy read.

Jane Austen Cults and Cultures by Claudia Johnson - Again still. I read a few pages at night, but then I fall right to sleep. I like it, but I just can't stay awake. At least I feel smart enough to read it.

Caleb's Crossing by Geraldine Brooks - This is the library book club book, so it's time to get cracking on this one.

Prince Lestat by Anne Rice - I read about half of this when it came out last fall, but then it was due at the library. I am listening to this on audio and I just have a couple of discs left. I'll probably get through it this time.

Vice: One cop's story of patrolling America's most violent city by Sgt. John R. Baker - I suddenly have an overwhelming interest in the city of Compton, CA. Blame it on my Sociology degree. Also, because it's not the required reading I need to be doing right now.

What do you have going on this week?