Top Five Wednesday 8/26/15

Today's Top Five Wednesday topic is Series You Wish Had More Books.

So, I'm not going to limit myself to series that are completed. Just because I know more books are coming doesn't mean I don't want to have them right now!

  1. Guido Brunetti series by Donna Leon - And everyone keels over from not surprised.

  2. Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich - Waiting for that next one.

  3. The Magicians series by Lev Grossman - This one is finished, but I wish there were more.

  4. The Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice - I don't care for the Mayfair witches. The werewolves were just okay. I really dig the vampires.

  5. Momo by Andrew Knapp - Momo is the cutest Border Collie and I love all the photographs.

What series do you wish had more books?