Friday Reads 10/16/15

Let me just start by saying I have already read 5 books this month. It's only the 15th! I don't want to say that my reading mojo is coming back, but this is definitely a vast improvement over last month.

You're Never Weird on the Internet (Almost) by Felicia Day - Day is the queen of geekdom. She has been in several nerdy internet shows and she is a writer for Geek and Sundry Website. She's hilarious and adorable and this is her memoir. Mike and I both ordered them from the library and they both came in this week.

Five Days at Memorial by Sheri Fink - Continuing my fascination with Hurricane Katrina, I have started listening to this. It's about the doctors and nurses faced with a failing hospital in the wake of the storm and the choices they made in the health care of their patients.

Vice by John R. Baker - I might finally get to this one.

The Twelfth Enchantment by David Liss - I totally picked this up because of the cover. Can you blame me? Look at it!

So, that's what I got. What's on your list?