New-to-Me Authors

Today's Top Five Wednesday topic is Authors I've Discovered This Year. This should be entertaining.

Rainbow Rowell - I've actually only read one of her books. But Fangirl was so great that I can't bring myself to read another one in case it isn't as great and my dream will be crushed.

John Scalzi - There is really no reason I would have picked up Lock In because it's sci-fi, but the description sounded great and Mike likes the author. I ended up reading another book by Scalzi for book club this year, Redshirts. Both really entertaining books.

Hannah Kent - Burial Rites is her first published novel, but it is fantastic. I loved it. My book club loved it. I can't wait to see what else she's got up her sleeve.

Emily St. John Mandel - Station Eleven is everything all the reviews say it is. In a word, fantastic. I know she's written other things, but I have this feeling that they are not like Station Eleven. More experimental. Something that just doesn't make me want to go read all her work.

Kirsty Logan - OK, first off, The Gracekeepers has a fantastic cover. So that draws you in. But the story is mesmerizing, and whimsical, and the bizarre world is totally believable. Another first time author with a lot of potential.

Did you discover in any new authors this year?