Friday Reads


I'm really hoping to be able to relax this weekend. As far as I know no guests are coming over. Yeah, there's that Halloween thing, but I might be able to get someone else to open the door 50 million times. So I'm hoping to actually get some reading done. Ha ha. I know. But a girl can dream.

Caramelo by Sandra Cisneros - I had the bright idea of getting this on my phone so I can listen to it while I do other things. Driving, working out, planning. It has vastly improved my speed through this book.

Twilight: Life and Death by Stephenie Meyer - This is actually due on Saturday and people are waiting for it, so I need to get it done. Unfortunately, it's a bit of a slog. The novelty of having the characters' genders swapped has worn off.

On the off chance that I get through those two, I have a conundrum. I only have two months left to finish my Bookriot Read Harder Challenge. I have a book for one of the challenges which I could get to. OR I could read The Twelfth Enchantment by David Liss. Decisions, decisions.

What do you feel like reading this weekend?