Books I Didn't Finish

Today's Top Five Wednesday topic is Books I Didn't Finish. I don't know if this means just this year or ever? Sometimes I don't even remember books I quit. We'll see what we can find.

Ooh! I have a list on Goodreads called "couldn't even finish".

Okay so it looks like I have two types of books I didn't finish: a) books that were too gross and b) books that were too boring. Apparently I like books somewhere in the middle.

Devil in the White City by Erik Larson - The beginning is just so gory. The madman killing women and hiding them in the building. Ew. AP English students at the local high school are required to read this. I don't know what they are thinking.

The Dante Club by Matthew Pearl - This one begins with maggots. That's as far as I got.

The Crimson Petal and the White by Michael Faber - There is a lot of pee in the first few chapters of this one. No thank you.

The Ice Storm by Rick Moody - This is where I learned what a key party is. Wish I hadn't. So much nope.

Another Bullshit Night in Suck City by Nick Flynn - I really only picked this up because of the title. I mean, who wouldn't? But I thought it would be funny. It's just bitter. So not gross. Plenty boring, though.

So there we go. 5 books I didn't finish.