November 2015 Wrap Up

November's over? Wha? Okay, let's get a chuckle by looking at how far I strayed from my TBR.

Twilight: Life and Death by Stephenie Meyer - Done! One down.

The Twelfth Enchantment by David Liss - Didn't even open it. I got distracted by other shiny books.

Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas - I had this one picked out to meet a Book Riot challenge and I found a better option. Bye Bye!

Blackbird House by Alice Hoffman - Done! This was the book club book for November, so it's a good thing I read it.

Browsings by Michael Dirda - I finished this one, but I wasn't terribly impressed. Meh.

Literary Rivals by Richard Bradford - I'm still working on this one. It's not out, yet.

Secondhand Souls by Christopher Moore - Nope. I got about halfway through it and decided I just didn't care anymore.

Library of Souls by Ransom Riggs - Again, I read the first couple of chapters, and just didn't care. Back to the library it went.

So what is that 3? Let's see what else I read...

The Sense of an Ending by Julian Barnes - This fulfilled a Book Riot challenge because it was a prize winner. It was pretty good.

Facing the Wave by Gretel Ehrlich - This one also completed a challenge. A book that takes place in Asia.

Bite Me by Christopher Moore - I listened to this on audio. I just love it.

A Lesson Before Dying by Ernest J. Gaines - This is the library book club book for tonight. Finished it early!

7 books. Not too shabby. And one still in process, so I'm okay with it.