December 2015 Wrap Up

Alrighty then. Time to recap the month of December.

First let's go through my TBR:

Literary Rivals - Haha. Nope. I eventually took this back to the library unfinished. Too much going on.

Sense and Sensibility - Yes! I finished this one!

Lafayette in the Somewhat United States - Again. Nope. It still didn't come in at the library. Fortunately, it is currently waiting for me at the library, so it will finally happen.

Fool Moon - Yes!! I got this one wrapped up right before our trip to Santa Fe.

Holidays on Ice - Yes! This was the book club book for December. Definitely got it done.

The Bronte Cabinet - Nope. Other stuff happened.

Okay. Three. That's a good start. Let's see what else I read.

Thug Notes by Sparky Sweets, PhD. - This is hilarious. I enjoyed it immensely.

Under the Udala Trees by Chinelo Okparanta - This book finished up my Book Riot Read Harder Challenge. It was pretty good. Not perfect, but I think this author has a lot of potential.

Tricky Twenty-Two by Janet Evanovich - I finally got hold of this book that came out in November. I don't buy these books because I can read them in a matter of hours. I read this in one day.

So okay. 6 books. Not stellar, but considering what was going on in December, it wasn't too bad.

Yay me!

On to the new year!