Favorite Historical/Future Settings

Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic is Favorite Historical Settings or Future Settings.

I haven't really ever given this topic much thought. I feel like I have more times that I avoid than ones I gravitate toward. For example, I really don't like World War II books. I have two on my list for this year, but overall, I avoid WWII books. I don't know why. Maybe it was the overwhelming project I did on World War II in eighth grade. Maybe I just overdosed on WWII and that point and haven't recovered.

Anyway, here are a few eras I like to read about.

  1. Victorian - This will come as no surprise, I'm sure. I like the Victorian era, and it was so long, it offers many options within that overall category.

  2. Regency - Surprise! It's not first. I like to read about it, but it's rarely done as well as Jane Austen wrote about her own time, and she is the basis of comparison for all writings set in that time.

  3. Dystopian - Here is a future setting. I like novels set after the end of the world as we know it if they are done well. Some are. Some aren't. Station Eleven was done well.

  4. Jazz Age - Yeah, yeah. The Great Gatsby. But that's not top of my list. The Chaperone had a cool twenties setting. Agatha Christie's books. That sort of thing.

  5. Western Expansion - I have read some fabulous books set in the 1800's west. The Sisters Brothers was pretty great. A Reliable Wife was also good, but definitely in a different way.

  6. Age of Enlightenment - Mostly this manifests itself in novels about Mozart et. al. I liked the sections of The Vampire Chronicles that took place in the 1700s. So there's that.

At this point I'm going through Wikipedia looking for possible eras I've forgotten. I think it's time to give up. Not ten, but here are a few.