January 2016 Wrap Up

My dear sister pointed out last night that I forgot to do my January Wrap Up! Well, it's never too late. Here we go.

Here is what was on my January TBR:

The Age of Innocence - Check! Read it for library book club.

Challenger Deep - Check! Read it for regular book club.

Deep South - Check! I even reviewed it.

Night Film - Nope. Didn't get to it.

Wave - Check! Reviewed this one, too.

Now, let's see what I read when I wasn't reading Night Film:

Dear Life: Stories by Alice Munro - This was the book for the February library book club. I read it in January because I knew my weekend was going to be singularly bookless. I had never read Alice Munro before. Apparently, I liked it better than the ladies in the group.

H is For Hawk by Helen Macdonald - I listened to this in the car. It met one of my Read Harder Challenge books: A book about science. I also reviewed it.

Lafayette in the Somewhat United States by Sarah Vowell - Just when I gave up on ever getting to the top of the hold list on this book, it finally came in. I giggled a lot reading this one.

Pop Sonnets: Shakespearean Spins on Your Favorite Songs by Erik Didriksen - This is funny Shakespearean sonnets made from pop songs. It was fun to try to figure out the songs.

So that's 8 books. Not too shabby. Especially since I got through 75% of my TBR. Woot!