Goodreads Update

I have been adding books to my Goodreads To-Read shelf with reckless abandon. There are now over 100 books on that shelf. Here's what's been added recently.

The Reader by Traci Chee - This is the first in a new YA series. It is set in a post-apocalyptic, illiterate future. After her father is killed and her aunt goes missing, Sefia finds a thing. It turns out to be a book. And she's going to use it to find out a thing or two.

Passenger by Alexandra Bracken - The first in another YA trilogy. I think there is some time travel and I've heard something about space pirates? Yeah. I'll find out.

A Study In Charlotte by Brittany Cavallaro - Charlotte Holmes is the Great-Great-Great Granddaughter of Sherlock. She ends up going to school with Jamie Watson. Guess whose great-great-great he is? They hate each other, but they have to work together to solve a murder.

The Library at Mount Char by Scott Hawkins - This meets one of my challenge topics to read a book picked for me by my spouse. Yup. Mike chose this one.

My Name is Lucy Barton by Elizabeth Strout - Strout won the Pulitzer a few years ago. I've heard this is fantastic!

Modern Lovers by Emma Stroud - This is about some hard core rockers who have hit middle age. Might hit a little close to home, but it sounds great.

Bullies: A Friendship by Alex Abramovich - It's a memoir about a guy who makes friends with his childhood archnemesis.

The Queen of the Night by Alexander Chee - A girl works her way up from a prostitute to an opera star. She is flattered when an aria is written for her, until she realizes it is the story of her deepest secret.

Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes - It's a memoir about the author's year in which she said yes to as much as possible and how it changed her life. As I'm learning to say no politely, I find it interesting to think about what the opposite would feel like.

Jane Steele by Lyndsay Faye - Jane's life seems to be following in the steps of Jane Eyre. Except that she is an assassin of bad men. Can't wait for this one!

These are the things that have caught my eye recently.