April 2016 TBR

March was a big crazy month, but it's finally winding down and that means it's time for my April TBR. I expect April will be a little quieter than March; a very little.

In the Blood by Lisa Unger - Firstly, there is the book club book. I'm down to only one book club, so it's even more of a priority that it was before. I have no idea what this is about... Okay I read Goodreads. It appears to be a psychological thriller maybe? About a girl who lies a lot. Interesting.

The Distant Hours by Kate Morton - I feel like this has shown up on my TBR in the past. Well, this time it's on my list of books I own that I really need to get read. It's the book that has been on my to-read shelf the longest. It's really just time to get 'er done. Also, it fulfills a requirement to read a book over 500 pages for the Read Harder Challenge.

Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff - This was on last month's TBR, but it didn't come in. Now it's finally in my hot, little, hands and I can mark it off my list.

Undermajordomo Minor by Patrick DeWitt - I got this from the library right after it came out, but I only read about 15 pages before it was due back. Now, I've got it again and I am determined to read it. I liked the 15 pages I read. It's about a guy named Lucy Minor who takes a job as the assistant to the majordomo of the Castle Von Aux - hence Undermajordomo Minor.

Serving Urban Teens - For work, I am going to read another book about urban teen library work. I don't know if it will be more up-to-date than the last one that told me how to use MySpace to reach teens these days.

Also, I still have those pesky Sequoyah books to get through. I still have Eden West, Hold Tight Don't Let Go and Wolf by Wolf checked out that I need to get to.