Bookish People You Should Follow

Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic is Bookish People You Should Follow.

While I think the idea is to choose a social medium and post ten people on that site, I'm going to mix it up and list accounts from several places to check out.

First: Blogger

StylishBooknerd - Being one of two people that regularly reads and comments on my blog, I of course have to shout out Hannah at She reads a good mix of children's, teens, and adult books and always has insightful reviews.

Second: Podcasts

All the Books - Podcasts are my new favorite thing to listen to in the car, and this podcast is the one that got me hooked. In this BookRiot podcast, Liberty Hardy and Rebecca Schinsky discuss the best books being released each week. They gush over books and their excitement is contagious.

Get Booked - Another BookRiot podcast, but in this one, Amanda Nelson and Jenn Northington take letters with requests for book recommendations and give a couple of suggestions each for each letter. So good.

BookRiot Podcast - Jeff O'Neal and Rebecca Schinsky discuss the latest news in books and publishing.

What Should I Read Next - This is a book recommendation podcast in which the hostess, Anne Bogel, interviews one guest on each episode. She has them tell her three books they love, one book they hate, and what they're reading now and she makes three recommendations for what they should read next. Her voice is very calm and soothing and I love listening to this podcast.

The Readers - I really enjoy this podcast by Simon and Thomas. Simon is a Brit. Thomas is an American. I love listening to these two guys talk about books. What they love and why.

CYA Podcast - This is done by a group of Oklahoma librarians talking about children's and YA books. Gotta shout out the Okies.

Third: YouTube

I follow a LOT of BookTubers. But there are a few that I make sure to watch everything they post.

Lindsey Rey - Lindsey is an engineer in real life, but I love watching her videos. She reads a lot. A lot of everything. Her favorites appear to be fantasy, but she reads a wide range of things.

Thoughts On Tomes - I tend to not love the super gushy types of book discussions. Sam is very calm and sane. I love her dry sense of humor and her fluent use of sarcasm.

Retired Book Nerd - Jo is a retired teacher in Kentucky and she is super interesting. I love to hear her talk about books. She is smart and funny, and her adorable Kentucky accent is great. Which is saying something in my Oklahoma accent.

Novels and Nonsense - Here's another Sam. Sam is an accounted in her other life and she has an adorable dog that gets in the videos sometimes. Sam reads a lot of fantasy. She loves Robin Hobb.

Kalanadi - Rachel mostly reads hard sci-fi. Most of what she reads are things I've never heard of. She's not into things just because BookTube is raving about it. Mostly, I think she ignores that and chooses her books some other way.

Oops. I think that's 12. Oh well. Bonus!!