Quarter Update

It is almost April 15. Since my taxes are paid, I can focus on looking back at the first quarter of 2016. Here's how I'm doing on my goals:

Goodreads: My Goodreads challenge goal was 50 books. As of this writing, I've read 28 books. I think I'm doing okay, there.

Modern Mrs. Darcy Challenge: I have completed 7 of 12 challenges.

Book Riot Read Harder Challenge: I have completed 14 of 24 challenges.

Read My Own Damn Books: I have read 5 of my own books, which is actually better than I anticipated.

Read 5 books over 500 pages: I have read 2 books over 500 pages. Not too shabby. Almost half way through those.

Read ten specific books from my shelf: I have read 2 of those specific books. Maybe a little under par.

Read the hard books: I have read three books I consider to have "hard" things in them, but I did not read one this month. I was sick and didn't have the nerve to steel myself for the hard things. All of the three hard books I read this year I read in January. On the other hand, only one of the five books I've DNF'ed were because it was hard.

Write reviews: So far I've averaged 2 reviews a month. I think that's an improvement over last year.

Keep Track of DNFs: I have written down all the books I've started and abandoned.

So it looks like I need to think about forcing myself through the hard books. And maybe go out looking for those. Also, I need to get on those specific books I need to read.

This was just to recap my goals and measure my success so far. It's always good to remind myself. Otherwise, I would get to December and go, "What were those goals again?"

How are your reading goals faring?