Dewey's 24-Hour Readathon TBR

It's almost here!!!! I'm super excited about this readathon! I can't wait to spend the whole day reading!

I have a few time constraints. For example, the readathon starts at 7 am in my time zone. I am not likely to get up at 7:00 on a Saturday to start reading. I'm just trying to be real, here. It will probably be a struggle to get up at 9:00 to read. I mean, I love to read, but I love sleep even more. Also, I have to be at the church at 8:30 the next morning. I am not going to read until 7:00 am then get ready for church. There is a youth group performance that day, or I would just ditch.

I have a grocery store trip planned for Friday and I will be getting snacks, and quick meals for Saturday. I'll probably make some chicken salad to have in the refrigerator for a quick lunch. That sort of thing.

I love to read on my couch, but my large dogs sometimes make that difficult. They say couch sitting as an invitation for aggressive cuddles. Reading is nearly impossible during aggressive cuddles. So if the dogs can go outside, I'll sit on the couch. If it's too rainy for outside time, I will sit at the kitchen table until my bed empties. I like reading in bed, but I usually fall asleep, so maybe that's not a good choice for a readathon. In my room I have a little reading nook with a comfy chair and a lamp, which is a good readathon spot. Plus only one dog can get at me, and he long ago realized there wasn't room for the two of us on that chair.

I'm aiming for 8 hours of reading time. I realize that's only a third of the actual readathon, but it's a huge improvement over what I managed last year.

And now for my actual TBR:

I am planning to start Simon Vs. The Homosapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli this week, so I'll probably start by reading whatever is left of that one.

My library copy of Road to Little Dribbling by Bill Bryson came in and it has holds on it, so I'll probably get started on that.

I have a couple more Sequoyah book award nominees to get through, so I'll start either Hold Tight Don't Let Go and Eden West.

You're Hate Mail Will Be Graded by John Scalzi - I have this from Mobius, so I should get on this.

The Distant Hours by Kate Morton is also on my list for this month. I don't expect to get much read on this during the readathon, but I might get it started.

Wolf by Wolf by Ryan Graudin and All American Boys by Jason Reynolds are quite a bit larger than the other Sequoyah books, so we'll see if I pick them up.

I also might pick up Winter by Christopher Nicholson which showed up for me.

I don't expect to get even close to reading all of these, but they are a good stack to choose from during the thon.

And, it could happen that I don't want to read any of these. In that case, I have a couple hundred books on my shelf at home just waiting for my attention. No worries.

Can't wait!!!!!

Me on Saturday...