Library Update

So,I feel like the beginning of the month is a good time to review what I have on hold at the library. I'll try to only show you things I haven't already told you about.

Crosstalk by Connie Willis - A new novel by Connie Willis? What? Yes! It's a romantic comedy set in the near future. The main character is a mobile phone executive.

Uprooted by Naomi Novik - This is a kind of fairy tale. Agnieszka's village is protected by a wizard. In return, he takes a girl to serve him every 10 years. It is obvious that he is going to choose Agnieszka's best friend, Kasia. Or is he?

Patterns in Nature by Philip Ball - This is a book about, you guessed it, the patterns in the natural world. Honeycomb, seashell spirals, giraffe patterns, etc.

A Study in Charlotte by Brittany Cavallaro - Sherlock's great-great-great-grand-niece and Watson's great-great-great-grand-nephew solve a mystery. And she is just as infuriating as her forebear.

Killing and Dying by Adrian Tomine - This is a collection of graphic stories. Supposedly, it's fantastic.

The Year of Living Danishly by Helen Russell - A look at the world's happiest country.

The Dogist by Elias Weiss Friedman - The subtitle is 1000 Photographic Encounters With Dogs. How can that be bad? I'm super excited about this one.

Ugh. I have 30 books on hold right now. This can't end well.