Non-Book Websites I Love

It's kind of weird to do a post about something not book related, but it's this week's Top Ten Tuesday topic is websites I love that aren't about books.

Spoiler: this will be a really boring post because everything I do is about books.

  1. - It's not really about books, but it's close. It is really about how hard it is to be a librarian. With gifs!

  2. PlannerTube - This is a little bit cheating. PlannerTube is a section of YouTube devoted to planners. Mostly, I use YouTube for book stuff, but the Planner section is not much book related.

  3. - This is where I purchase planner goodies. Also candles. (Mostly book related candles, but we'll not talk about that.)

  4. - Free streaming music tailored to your current mood? Yes, please.

  5. - This is a group chat program that helps me keep in contact with my dancers.

  6. - I pay my bills with this one.

  7. - I keep up with my kids' grades on this one.

  8. FLIRCloud - when the pups go to the boarding place, we can watch them on the cameras. Love this!

  9. WebMD - This is a very helpful website. I recently diagnosed myself with Muscular Dystrophy with this site.

  10. - This is great for tracking storms so I know when to livestream tornado coverage. I hate this state.

That's it. Super boring. Books are life.