May 2016 Wrap Up

It's June! You know what that means... Time for another wrap up!

Let's start with my TBR for May.

Attachments by Rainbow Rowell - Read! It was the book club choice and it was really fun.

The Road to Little Dribbling by Bill Bryson - Read! Holy cow, was that only last month I read that? It feels like last year.

The Queen of the Night by Alexander Chee - Fail. It came in with a bunch of other books on hold, and it was just too big to tackle at the time. I have it on hold again.

The Distant Hours by Kate Morton - Fail. I actually did start this one, but I only read one chapter before I found an excuse to stop.

Men We Reaped by Jesmyn Ward - Read! I'm still thinking about this one. It was really good.

Your Hate Mail Will Be Graded by John Scalzi - Fail. Kind of. I read about a quarter of it, but it was pretty dense, and I had to return it to the library. I was out of renewals.

American Housewife: Stories by Helen Ellis - Read! This was so great. Such bizarre stories about strange people.

Eligible by Curtis Sittenfeld - Fail. This still hasn't come in at the library, but that's okay because I own it, now.

Delilah Dirk and the King's Shilling by Tony Cliff - Fail. I'm still waiting on this one from the library. But I haven't given up hope.

Well, there's four out of nine books read. Blargh.

Let's see what else I read in May.

Bone Gap by Laura Ruby - Yay! A Sequoyah Award List book. Gotta get those knocked out. It was pretty great, too.

American Vampire, Vol. 8 by Scott Snyder - This actually came in for the husbandface, but I stole it and read it first. Graphic novels don't take very long.

Uprooted by Naomi Novik - This is fairy-tale-esque with magicians and haunted woods and a handsome prince set in midieval Poland. Very cool.

That's it. Seven books.

Ever since my massive reading slump last Fall, I consider anything over 3 books a win. So I'll take it!

What did you read in May?