Goodreads Update 6/27/16

I went bananas. Like seriously. I think I've added 80 books to my Goodreads list since my last update. I think I have decided that putting a book on my Goodreads TBR isn't written in stone. So I have added with abandon.

This post might have to be broken up into 2 posts. Maybe 3. Let's go.

The Iron King by Julie Kagawa - This is the first in a YA fantasy series.

Lincoln's Grave Robbers by Steve Sheinkin - Sheinkin wrote one of the Sequoyah Award list books I read this year, and I really liked it. So when I found this one, I added it to my list.

Assassin's Apprentice by Robin Hobb - I have seen a lot of love for this series around the internet, so I put it on my list.

Watching the English: the Hidden Rules of English Behaviour by Kate Fox - Because obviously.

Nice Cup of Tea and a Sit Down by Stuart Payne - Similar to above.

Sorcerer to the Crown by Zen Cho - Here's another one people are raving about online. Alternate history, Russia, competing sorcerers. Yes, please.

Gemina by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff - This is the sequel to Illuminae that I thoroughly enjoyed a few months ago.

Lust & Wonder by Augusten Burroughs - I've read all his other memoirs. Why stop now?

Rat Queens, Vol. 3 by Kurtis J. Wiebe - I like this graphic novel series about risque women who are also mercenaries.

The Regional Office is Under Attack by Manuel Gonzales - The regional office, staffed by superpowered, female, assassins, protects the world.

Fifteen Lanes by S.J. Laidlaw - Two teen girls in Mumbai live very different lives.

The Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson - Modern day Louisiana teen goes to London for boarding school just as a modern day Jack the Ripper begins attacking.

A Spy in the House by Y.K. Lee - Victorian school for lady assassins. Thank you.

The Madwoman Upstairs by Catherine Lowell - Bronte descendant starts looking for her family's secrets.

The Mercy of the Sky: the Story of a Tornado by Holly Bailey - Because I live in Oklahoma.

The Summer Before the War by Helen Simonson - I guess I'll give this author another go. I just think I wasn't in the right mood for the last one.

The Wise Man's Fear by Patrick Rothfuss - This is actually the second in the series. I don't know how this got on the list before the first one.

The 33 by Hector Tobar - About the Chilean miners that got caved in.

Avid Reader: A Life by Robert Gottlieb - This guy was the head of several large publishing companies. And it's a book about books. Squee!

A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles - This is his new one. It's about a guy who gets sentenced to house arrest in Moscow right across from the Kremlin and he watches the changes in the country from his window.

The Fifth Season by M.K. Jemison - Another one I've heard rave reviews about everywhere.

The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss - Here's the first one that goes along with The Wise Man's Fear.

Ladivine by Marie NDiaye - A book in translation from the French about a woman who visits her mother once a month, but she doesn't tell her mother anything about her life.

The Year of Living Danishly: My Twelve Months Unearthing the Secrets of the World's Happiest Country by Helen Russell - Doesn't that sound happy? And cold. I could use some cold.

Crosstalk by Connie Willis - I can't remember what it's about, but it's Connie Willis, so I don't care.

Switched On: A Memoir of Brain Change and Emotional Awakening by John Elder Robison - I'm interested to read this because the author is autistic.

Patterns in Nature: Why the Natural World Looks the Way in Does by Philip Ball - This one is mostly pictures. So pretty!

Killing and Dying: Stories by Adrian Tomine - This one is a graphic novel in which the drawings look eerily lifelike. I can't wait to get my hands on it.

A Murder of Crows and Other Woes by Shoshanah Lee Marohn - This book is in the series "English is Complicated and Nearly Impossible".

The Country of Ice Cream Star by Sandra Newman - A Post-apocalyptic world in which everyone dies by the age of 20.

Gold Fame Citrus by Claire Vaye Watkins - Another dystopian novel, this one takes place in California.

The Girls of Atomic City: The Untold Story of the Women Who Helped Win WWII by Denise Kiernan - Oak Ridge, TN was a city peopled entirely by people working on the Manhattan Project. Mostly they were young women from the South.

Between Two Worlds: My Life and Captivity in Iran by Roxana Saberi - This Irani-American journalist was captured in Iran and tried for espionage.

The Last Bookaneer by Matthew Pearl - Victorian London and a literary pirate. What's not to love?

Zenith by Sasha Alsberg and Lindsay Cummings - Sasha is a 19 year old booktuber that I enjoy watching, so I put her book on my list.

So that's about 35 books. Had enough? Me too, I'll finish in part 2.