June 2016 Wrap Up

Well, June is over and I have not done very well with my TBR. Oh well. Let's recap.

Where'd You Go, Bernadette? by Maria Semple - Nope. This was my book club pick for this month, but I'd already read it, and other stuff was happening, so I didn't reread it.

Wolf by Wolf by Ryan Graudin - check! This is my biggest accomplishment this month. This has been on my TBR for months! I finally got it done!

Hold Tight, Don't Let Go by Laura Rose Wagner - Nope. I actually lost this one for a couple of days. I found it under the love seat. I blame the dog.

Boo by Neil Smith - Nope. Just nope.

The Distant Hours by Kate Morton - Nope. I tried. I did. I started it. It's just not calling me. I still have a bookmark in it, so I haven't completely given up.

An Ideal Husband by Oscar Wilde - Check!! I enjoyed it very much.

Small Victories by Anne Lamott - Nope. I didn't get to it, and it had holds at the library. It was meant to complete a challenge, but I picked something else for that challenge.

Worlds of Ink and Shadow by Lena Coakley - Check! This was the first one I finished in June. I liked it bunches.

The Dark Days Club by Alison Goodman - Nope. Didn't get to it.

So that's what I didn't read. Let's talk about the books that distracted me from reading my TBR.

The Dogist by Elias Weiss Friedman - This photographer took 1000s of pictures of dogs. Yay!!

Ms. Marvel Vol 4 by G. Willow Wilson - I actually haven't read vol. 3 yet, but this one came up at the library first, so I read it.

2 Sisters by Matt Kindt - This is a giant graphic novel. I did a review of it, so check that out for my complete thoughts.

George by Alex Gino - This is a middle grade novel about a boy who knows deep inside that he is really a girl. It's told in the third person, but George is referred to as 'she' unless someone else is speaking.

I read 7 books in June. Not too shabby, but I didn't do too well on my TBR list. Oh well. July is another month. What did you read in June?