Friday Reads 7/22/16

Looking forward to this Friday Reads! I've got a whole bunch of things lined up. It's the 24 in 48 Readathon. I have done what I can to clear my schedule. My book candles are ready to light. I am ready to read!

Feminism: Reinventing the F Word by Nadia Abushanab Higgins - This is a non-fiction book aimed at YA readers. Lots of pictures. Not a lot of pages.

A Tyranny of Petticoats by Jessica Spotswood - This one is short stories, so that is a good choice for a book club.

Boo by Neil Smith - This is one of the books on my Reading Resolutions list. Another small one. Hopefully doesn't take too long to get through.

The Enchanted by Rene Denfeld - This is another one to mark of my reading resolutions. Also short. This one is a fantasy book about some guys on death row.

Caucasia by Danzy Senna - I'm doing a favor to one of the kids I work with at the library. He asked for help with his summer reading assignment, so I've ordered the book and we will read it together. I am an unbelievably fabulous human being.

I don't think I can reasonably get through more than this.

Wish me luck!