Favorite Books Set in Scandinavia

Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic is Books Set In Scandinavia. Actually, the topic Books with X Setting. I chose Scandinavia. I actually didn't think I had read many books set in Scandinavia, but a brief perusal of the Goodreads Scandinavia tag reminded me of several I had forgotten. I don't actually have 10. I have 8 and a half. Because one of them is only partially set in Scandinavia. Anyway, here we go!

  1. The Rabbit Back Literature Society by Pasi Ilmari Jaaskelainen - I'm just going to get this one out of the way first, because we all know this book is the reason I picked this setting. This one is set in Finland and is ah-mazing.

  2. Burial Rites by Hannah Kent - This fabulous item, set in Iceland, is one of the most beautiful books I've ever read. It's a sad story, but the characters are so great, it's easy to get through the tough parts.

  3. The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson - This is one I forgot about. It's set in Sweden and is so very violent in the way Swedish writers are famous for.

  4. Out Stealing Horses by Per Petterson - I loved this book so much. It is set in rural Norway and is about a couple of friends dealing with what happened to one of them that day.

  5. I Curse the River of Time by Per Petterson - Another one from Norway by Per Petterson. I love this guy's writing.

  6. Neither Here Not There by Bill Bryson - This book was my first introduction to Bill Bryson. I loved his description of Scandinavian weather and TV.

  7. The Dinner by Herman Koch - This bizarre novel, set in Holland, is about two couples at dinner in a public restaurant discussing an event both their sons were involved in.

  8. Pippi Longstocking by Astrid Lindgren - A Swedish children's book about a girl whose horse lives on her porch and is smarter than all the grownups.

  9. The Flight of Gemma Hardy by Margo Livesey - This one is the half, because it takes place in Iceland and Scotland. It's a retelling of Jane Eyre, with some significant changes.

Which ones did I miss?