Friday Reads 8/26/16

Holy cow! This week was awful. I need a weekend. Too bad I don't get one of those this week. Oh well. When I get a chance to read, this is what I will pick up.

Where I'm Reading From by Tim Parks - I desperately need a book about books. This one fills the bill. It is a little more intelligent than what I'm ready for, so I can only read a few pages at a time before I fall asleep.

Jane Steele by Lindsay Faye - I finally got this back from the library, and I'm ready to finish this off already.

Emma by Jane Austen and Nancy Butler - Mike got me this Emma Graphic novel from the library. I will read this to boost my numbers for August.

Northanger Abby by Jane Austen and Nancy Butler - Same for this one. God bless my hubby. I tried reading this the other day and the words were too small. I think I'm exhausted.

You will notice that none of these books are on my August TBR. That poor list has pretty much gone out the window. My list of books for the rest of the year is severely altered. And I don't even care right now. I read what I want!