September 2016 TBR

I'm almost afraid to post a TBR. I failed so miserably last month. But you don't know that yet. I haven't posted the wrap up, yet. Spoiler alert, it's pretty sad. It's almost as bad as last year's Epic Reading Slump. I don't really feel slumpy. I'm reading. I just can't finish anything. So really, this TBR should look like last month's, but I really don't want it to. Maybe I'll just do something different. Maybe I'll just throw my End-Of-Year Reading Plan to the winds and start over. That feels good. So yeah. Let's see what happens here.

The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry by Gabrielle Zevin - This is the book club pick for September, so I bet I'll get to this one. Plus I own a copy. No effort involved.

Garlic and Sapphires by Ruth Reichl - I'm leaving the books from last month that I have checked out from the library. This one meets a challenge so I should probably get going.

All American Boys by Jason Reynolds - Really. Just read it already!

Brave New World by Aldous Huxley - I bought this in Wichita and it's been sitting on the kitchen table staring at me. Plus it meets a challenge.

All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr - Everyone has read this. Most people loved it. I need to read it. Also, it's on my list of books to read this year.

I feel like I'm not terribly excited about the books on this quite exciting list. Maybe I am slumpy. We'll see what happens. What's on your list?