August 2016 Wrap-Up

I'm not very impressed by my reading life this month. Cutting myself some slack, it was kind of a wild month. I did have two weeks of vacation, but it was mostly spent caring for sick kids and getting said children ready for school. But anyway, here's what I read in August.

Caucasia by Danzy Senna - This is the one I read with my darling little teen team boy who wanted someone to bounce plot points off of. It was a little too racy for him, and he was horrified. It was funny. I'm evil.

The Dark Days Club by Alison Goodman - This had been hanging around my nightstand for months, so I was glad to get it finished, but it wasn't as fabulous as I had hoped.

The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman - This was my second or third time reading this book and I still liked it. Even though some of my book group members were less than thrilled with it.

Judging A Book By Its Lover by Lauren Leto - This was a fun book. Really sarcastic, so I had to take care not to be offended by its comments about my favorite books. But I really liked it. It's a book about books; what's not to like?