Books Recommended to Me

Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic is Top Ten Books I Read on Recommendation. I might get confused here, because I listen to all these book-related podcasts and I frequently feel like those podcasters are recommending books to me personally, when they say a book is awesome. Same with Booktubers. But my goal is to find books that were recommended to me by a friend in real life who knows my reading taste and thinks I might like a book. And book club books don't count.

Unequal Affections by Lara S. Ormiston - I am currently listening to this on Audible because a friend of mine who shares my taste in Jane Austen retellings. So far it's spot on.

Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel - My old boss told me to read this for our Take 5 presentation 18 months ago.

It suddenly occurs to me that I don't take recommendations very often. I seem to be more of the one recommending, than the other way around.

The Library on Mount Char by Scott Hawkins - This was Mike's recommendation for this year's challenge to read a book recommended by a significant other.

The Stench of Honolulu by Jack Handey - My friend Debbie suggested I read this.

First Grave on the Right by Darynda Jones - Also a Debbie rec.

The Habits of the House by Fay Weldon - Another recommendation from the old boss.

To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee - My mom gave this to me in 4th grade, so I'm calling it a recommendation.

Stay Close by Harlan Coben - A coworker at my last library asked me to read this. I don't know why.

One For the Money by Janet Evanovich - My friend Annie recommended this to me like 11 years ago.

100 Contemporary Houses by Philip Jodidio - An old coworker enjoyed this a bazillion years ago and passed it on to me.

So what are the best books you've read on recommendation?