Books I Want to Re-Read

Autumn seems like a good time to re-read books, doesn't it? I don't know why, but I usually get the itch to reread books in the fall. Clearly, someone else feels the same way because today's Top Five Wednesday topic is Books I Want to Re-Read.

The Magicians by Lev Grossman - I want to reread this whole series. I want to get a look at the things I missed before and the things I forgot.

All Roads Lead to Austen by Amy Elizabeth Smith - I loved this travel narrative/book club memoir about this professor who traveled around South America leading book club discussions about Jane Austen books. It was fascinating.

Tolstoy and the Purple Chair by Nina Sankovitch - This author had an entire year where she read a book a day. As amazing as that sounds I think I would be seriously bored (and possibly blind) after not very long, but she writes about how that worked for her. I read it when I think I would like to just stop working and read all the time.

Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Won't Stop Talking by Susan Cain - When I'm feeling drained, I like to read this book about why my particular personality is still valuable in this go-go-go society.

The Uncommon Reader by Alan Bennett - This is just a light-hearted book that reinforces my belief that reading makes people better human beings.

Also, all the books I listed yesterday that I am thankful for that I reread on a regular basis are on my reread list, of course. What do you want to reread?