Books I Fully Intend to Read in 2017

I realize that this is a hilarious undertaking, since I will be otherwise occupied for most of 2017. But today's Top Five Wednesday topic is Books to Finally Read in 2017. So here are 5 books I would like to read next year.

The Interestings by Meg Wolitzer - I have heard good things about this book. It has a great cover. The premise is interesting. I don't know why I haven't read it yet.

Night Film by Marisha Pessl - This book is sitting on my shelf, still in it's Amazon packaging. Actually, I can only assume that's what's in the box, since I haven't actually opened it yet.

The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt - I've heard this is her best book yet, and I loved The Secret History. Again, I have no idea why I've put it off.

S by J.J. Abrams - I'm so excited about this book. I haven't read it yet because I want to give it the proper attention that it requires. It is a book with a lot of marginalia and bits and bobs tucked between the pages, so I think it will take a bit of focus.

Brain on Fire by Susannah Cahalan - A psychological memoir. Fascinating! This poor girl got some kind of virus that affected her brain and made her psychotic for a month or so. How terrifying is that!

So there are five books I wouldn't mind getting to in my spare time next year. Ha!